Jason Bliss has launched a new podcast where he's been interviewing landowners around Costa Rica! He's already got the first interviews live with Suzanna Leff of Finca Amrita, Ed Bernhardt of The New Dawn Center, & Justin Dolan of St Michael's Permaculture Country Club.
If you like hearing stories about soil building, bio-ferments, natural building, volunteer programs, or designing communities, check out the Sharing Insights Podcast to get your fill. You can find the podcast at https://sharinginsights.net or search for it wherever you do podcasts. Future guests include Peter Kring, Ancel Mitchel, Terry Newton, Meghan Casey, Esteban Acosta, Aly Kahn & Alnoor Ladha, Nico Botefur, and Lynx Guimond.
Make sure to subscribe to the podcast to catch insights from these and an array of other pioneers in the back-to-the-land movement. around the country. -------------------------- Do you own land in Costa Rica, host guests, and have a unique educational, experiential, or outreach driven element to your program? If you think you might be a good fit for the show, you're welcome to fill out the application at https://sharinginsights.net/podcast-guest-application/. Mention Pura Vida Connections, when you do!