Pura Vida Connections
Jun 22, 2022
Do You Want To Look Radiant At All Times?
Learn how to make up with the colors that best suit you! Makeup, like our wardrobe, must be in harmony with our personality, something...

Pura Vida Connections
May 4, 2022
Attention All Residents Who Have Valid Cedulas
You may know that the WHO is quickly designing a treaty they want to force upon all nations. The WHO wants power to control all countries..

Pura Vida Connections
Apr 20, 2022
All You Need To Know About The Blood Donation Campaign 2022
We thank you in advance for the collaboration provided to the Blood Bank.

Pura Vida Connections
Dec 1, 2021
My Tico Heart: Katya De Luisa; Almost Blind
At the church, I met Lisa, an 82-year-old woman with Parkinson’s. She was looking for someone to share her house. She was offering it as...

Pura Vida Connections
Nov 25, 2021
Gratitude for Life in our Abundant Southern Zone of Costa Rica
We are well equipped and happy to do your shopping for you, and send it to you by messenger or taxi, whatever is appropriate.

Linda Bass
Nov 24, 2021
Remembering Jan Hart
I met Jan at Bazooka’s one day after going to the feria. I had no idea that she would be there. Sitting at the table with newfound friends,

Pura Vida Connections
Nov 23, 2021
Russ Giles, age 71, passed away peacefully at home, on Monday, October 25th.
To Sheri, his wife, says, “he is her everything – her hero and rock who lives forever in her heart and soul”. Russ never had children, only

Pura Vida Connections
Oct 21, 2021
We Love Sloths in the Wonderful Southern Zone of Costa Rica
We are well equipped and happy to do your shopping for you, and send it to you by messenger or taxi, whatever is appropriate.

Pura Vida Connections
Oct 6, 2021
My Tico Heart: Katya De Luisa, Limon & Street Kids
A hotel near us had a small zoo that included a lion whose deafening roars drowned out the roosters at dawn.

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 27, 2021
My Tico Heart: Katya De Luisa, The Mapmaker
After selling my jungle tour horses, we moved to the capital city to make tourist maps, however, I had no idea of how to make maps.

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 20, 2021
My Tico Heart: Katya De Luisa, Manuel Antonio
I arrived in Costa Rica with two small sons and $900, and we began searching for a beach area to live. En route to Quepos on the Pacific...

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 15, 2021
Mi Corazón Tico: Katya de Luisa
Como educadora sobre la demencia y consultora en cuidado de adultos mayores, ha proporcionado información y entrenamientos enfocados a ellos

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 15, 2021
My Tico Heart: Katya De Luisa
As a dementia educator and caregiver consultant, she has provided information and training centered on holistic approaches to eldercare.

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 8, 2021
Club Internacional de Mujeres de PZ, unidas a DONATAPA
A través de la amistad hacemos un aporte de servicio a nuestras comunidades en el bello Sur de Costa Rica.

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 8, 2021
Amistad y Servicio: Pilares del Club Internacional del Mujeres de Pérez Zeledón.
Haciendo un aporte de servicio a nuestra comunidad a través de la amistad en el bello sur de Costa Rica.

Pura Vida Connections
Sep 8, 2021
Friendship and Service; Pillars of the PZ Women's Club
To make a service contribution to our community through friendship in our beautiful southern zone of Costa Rica.

Pura Vida Connections
Aug 11, 2021
Mother's Day Special with Chef Memo
It's time to honor MOM on August 15th, and Chef Memo is going all out:
GOURMET FRESH MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL Fully cooked stuffed Pork Loin

Pura Vida Connections
May 28, 2021
Logistics Management Services: a Costarican Company
Logistics Management Services is a full-service, bi-lingual company. We are a Costa Rican company that is American-owned and managed.

Pura Vida Connections
May 19, 2021
Personally Meaningful Everlasting Gifts
Weddings, Anniversaries, Christmas, Graduations, Babies Birthday, Birthdays, Valentines Day, Mother's / Father's Day, Family Portraits, Love

Pura Vida Connections
Apr 21, 2021
Libertad y Vida en Pérez Zeledón
Costa Rica Libertad y Vida citizen movement in Pérez Zeledón