Pura Vida Connections
Aug 25, 2021
Bye-Bye August... What Will September Bring to our Beloved Southern Zone of Costa Rica?
Welcome New Subscribers & Pura Vida Blessings To All! We are so happy that Colibrí 's Corner is back in our original location at the Feria

Pura Vida Connections
Aug 18, 2021
Loving August in all its Splendor in our Magical Southern Zone of Costa Rica
We are so happy that Colibrí 's Corner is back in our original location (at the very back, parking lot side of the feria). Find us there!

Pura Vida Connections
Aug 11, 2021
August is filled with Rain & Sun & Sunsets &, Surprises in our Awesome Southern Zone of Costa Rica
Magical photographer, Jory Freimann, captured this Ornate Hawk-Eagle.
Welcome New Subscribers & Pura Vida Blessings To All!

Pura Vida Connections
Aug 11, 2021
Mother's Day Special with Chef Memo
It's time to honor MOM on August 15th, and Chef Memo is going all out:
GOURMET FRESH MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL Fully cooked stuffed Pork Loin

Pura Vida Connections
Aug 6, 2021
Can August Really Be Here in our Awesome Southern Zone of Costa Rica?
These exquisite Petunias are from Georgia O'Keeffe, 1925, and we hope they give you pleasure today. Welcome New Subscribers & Pura Vida

Pura Vida Connections
Aug 2, 2021
What Will August Bring to our Audacious Southern Zone of Costa Rica
Welcome New Subscribers & Pura Vida Blessings To All!
Come find us at our new location, about one-third down from the front of the Feria on