Bookstore at Colibri's Corner in the Perez Zeledon Feria

Every week different books are brought to the PZ Feria from the thousands we have collected over the years. We have books and videos in English, Spanish, French and German... and lots of beautiful children's books too. If you have a particular title you are searching for ... send a note and perhaps we have a copy of it too. We also now have an archive of around 14,000 ebooks so let us know if you are looking for something in particular. Write to:

Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind.
James Russel Lowel

Journey through the Infinite Mind takes the reader on an exploration of the basic neuroscience of dementia and how its progression affects the brain and perceptions of the person experiencing it.
The spirituality is theoretical and metaphysical in nature. It addresses the question, "If we are spiritual beings having a human experience, what could be the spiritual purpose to millions of souls living with dementia?"
Included are practical tips on care intermingled with first person narratives and empathy building exercises that enable the reader to step into the shoes of a person with dementia.

Eat for Life share the lifestyle and culinary successes that have graced Farm of Life's raw vegan retreats and have empowered guests to thrive in a raw food lifestyle. You will love these tantalizing, delicious and high-energy recipes. Easy, clean and simple, they are healing and accessible for everyone. Available at Colibri's Corner at the PZ feria or contact Jody & Brian @ Farm of Life ... Finca de Vida.
Jody and Brian Calvi, Farm of Life, Costa Rica
The Vacation for the Healthy Lifestyle and Natural Healing Center
Join our Journey:

How to See the Unseen and Break Free From Suffering Caused By a Narrow Perception of Reality
"What distinguishes 'Spirituality: The Awareness of Reality' is its reliance on real research into historical antecedents and by a reasoned approach to the evidence. That's right. Dr. Luzardo counts heavily on making sense. Refreshing... The core of his argument, as you might gather from the title, is that spirituality is not some detached corner of reality into which initiates escape the mundane. Spirituality he argues, and I agree, is an ingrained element in every bit of reality, not something that holds us above it."
~ David Stone, author of Amazing Truths About Conscious Awareness: Discovering Ultimate Reality and A Million Different Things: Meditations of the World's Happiest Man (read entire book review)

The Raw Food Traveler books have arrived!
An epic tale of a decade in one man's life on his quest to find true health and happiness. This book is the exciting journey of a raw foodist and his travels and adventures around the world. Taking you through tropical Southeast Asia and countries like India, Australia and Hawaii, along with the personal experiences of cleansing and purification, and the discovery of a bountiful of exotic fruits, this book promises to keep you entertained.
The book is available at Colibri's Corner at the Feria - Only 12000 colones!
While quantities last!
If you are out of the country or can't get to the Feria you can purchase the book online at:, or contact me at:

Escuela Para Todos
Now Available as well as lots of former editions ... great collectors items.
We will be getting the next edition soon!